OPEN’s Sexual Violence Resource Center (SVRC) provides confidential, trauma-informed support services to Northeastern students who have experienced any form of sexual violence (i.e., sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, domestic/dating violence, and/or stalking). The SVRC supports students who have experienced sexual violence both recently or in the past, regardless of location.

SVRC staff work with students to understand their rights and resources, and support survivors in making the best choices for them going forward. This may include:

    • facilitating connections for ongoing counseling, medical care, and/or legal services;
    • discussing reporting options and/or accompanying students through the University investigation and adjudication process
    • expediting connections to other Northeastern resources that can best meet students’ needs.


To schedule an appointment with SVRC staff, fill out this confidential service request form (log in with your Northeastern credentials.)

Please email [email protected] with any additional questions. OPEN staff monitor service request submissions and email Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 5 PM, and will reply to requests as soon as possible. The Sexual Violence Resource Center is located on the Boston campus in 407 Ell Hall.


Our Approach & Services

OPEN staff members at the center provide free, confidential, trauma-informed services. We are here to listen and provide information so that you can make the choices that feel best for you.

WE PROVIDE INFORMATION ABOUT: Reporting and investigative processes, medical care and forensic evidence collection, rights and interim remedies available to you (eg., no-contact orders, housing changes, academic support), on- and off-campus counseling and resources.

REFERRAL AND ACCOMPANIMENT: Staff will work to understand your needs and get you quickly connected with resources. We can also accompany you to on-campus services like the Office for University Equity & Compliance (Title IX) if desired.

GROUNDING KITS AND TECHNIQUES: Grounding is a technique that can be used to cope with symptoms of trauma. Email to request a kit with supplies like mints, a stress ball, and Play-Doh. Students can pick up Grounding Kits during a meeting with SVRC staff or by filling out this request form. 


Confidentiality & Accessibility

The Sexual Violence Resource Center is a confidential resource. Staff are not required to report disclosures of sexual assault, partner violence, stalking, sexual harassment, or sexual exploitation to the Office for University Equity and Compliance (Title IX).

All students have the right to access resources and services, regardless of your location within the Global University System. Services can be accessed in-person on the Boston campus, or virtually from anywhere in the world via Microsoft Teams. Phone translation services are available in over 200 languages including ASL. SVRC staff will work to accommodate any other accessibility needs.

Common Questions and Quick Links

The Office for University Equity and Compliance (Title IX) is charged with investigating and responding to allegations of sex and gender-based misconduct at Northeastern. If you wish to file a complaint or have questions or concerns, you can contact them via phone (617-373-4644) or email ([email protected]) to arrange a meeting. Alternatively, reports can be submitted online at (anonymous option available).

To understand more about on-campus reporting options, including a step by step description of the investigation and adjudication process, please see the University Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Title IX, or explore your options confidentially by speaking to SVRC staff. Sharing information with the Office for University Equity & Compliance does not automatically obligate a student to participate in an investigation or other resolution process through their office.

You may also contact the Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) to make a university report or to discuss options for pursuing criminal charges. NUPD is a 24-hour service, and can be reached at 617-373-333 (emergency) or 617-373-2121 (non-emergency). If someone’s health or safety is at risk, call 617-373-3333 or 911 immediately.

If desired, NUPD can act as a liaison with other police departments to investigate incidents that occur off campus. Reporting sex or gender-based misconduct to NUPD does NOT commit you to future legal action.


To understand more, please see the Policy of Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment & Title IX. The appendices include a step by step description of the process.

During business hours, University Health and Counseling Services (on campus at 135 Forsyth Building on the Boston campus) can provide confidential:

  • Assessment and treatment of physical injury
  • Pregnancy assessment and prevention
  • Evaluation, treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted infections
  • Psychological assessment, brief therapy, and community referrals


Tuesday, Thursday: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturdays: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm (September-June)
Walk-in appointments available during business hours

Hospitals with SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examination) services can provide evidence collection in addition to medical treatment 24 hours a day. If you have experienced sexual assault, some services can only be accessed in a certain time frame and are best accessed as soon as possible.

Pregnancy Prevention: within 72 hours of assault
HIV Prophylaxis: within 72 hours of assault
Toxicology Screen: within 96 hours of assault
SANE Exam (forensic evidence collection / “rape kit”): within 120 hours of assault

Hospitals in the Boston area that provide SANE services include: Massachusetts General Hospital, Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Medical Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Cambridge Hospital.

NUPD can provide transportation to local area hospitals as wanted.

Regardless of where or when an incident occurred, as a student you have the right to:

  • Report or not report the incident to the police and/or the Title IX Coordinator
  • A no contact order which prohibits university members from direct or indirect communication
  • Discussing options for a judicial restraining order or harassment prevention order through an off-campus district court and/or pursuing criminal charges
  • Move into a temporary safe room
  • Housing relocation
  • Transportation to local hospitals or area courts
  • Academic support, schedule changes or remedies
  • Exploration of emergency or medical leave, if appropriate
  • Confidential medical care and counseling on or off campus

Most faculty and staff are considered “Mandated University Reporters,” meaning that they are obligated to notify the Title IX Coordinator if they are made aware of an incident of sexual violence.

The following offices/staff are designated as confidential and do not have this reporting obligation:

  • The Office of Prevention and Education
  • University Health & Counseling Services
  • Center for Spirituality Dialogue & Service (spiritual advisors only)

There are some exceptions to confidentiality. Staff within each of these offices can review their policy with you. Examples of times when a staff member will not maintain confidentiality include: 1) When they are given permission to share information by the person who disclosed it; 2) When there is an imminent threat of harm to self or others; 3) When the conduct involves suspected abuse of a minor under the age of 18 or of an elder; 4) When otherwise required by law or court order.

Please see Northeastern’s Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment & Title IX, which includes definitions of sexual violence and consent.

You can also read more about consent on our page Learn: Consent.