If you’re not on campus and would like to meet with us for an individual check-in or need to complete a group alternative meeting, please email [email protected] or call us at 617-373-4459. We can help you set up a skype meeting.
Online Check-ins
eCheckup To Go
The electronic CHECKUP TO GO offers two online questionnaires—Alcohol and Cannabis—that provide quick, confidential feedback to you about your alcohol or cannabis use, particularly highlighting how your drinking or cannabis use compares to other Northeastern and other college students. Each questionnaire takes 10–20 minutes to complete. The results of all questionnaires are confidential. No information you provide on an eCHECK will be reported to Residential Life, OSCCR, NUPD, parents, etc.
All students are welcome to access the eCheckup to Go for Alcohol and the eCheckup to Go for Cannabis.
These surveys do not require you to enter any identifying information in order to take them, so if you would like to take one or both for any reason, they can be completed anonymously. If you have any difficulty accessing or completing an eCHECK or have questions, please feel free to contact OPEN at 617-373-4459 or [email protected].